Feb 3, 2011


I love scarves!! I was inspired by my fellow Chictopian s3r3nity (who is a pretty nice girl by the way :)) to google "cool ways to wear scarves"...
And it is pretty interesting what I came across :D
Brooks brothers shows some really cool ways to succeed all sorts of scarves knots: the elegant way ;)
Alia Michele sited some chic ways too..

But My personal favorite is the belted scarf because it is chic and creative..

Even though you might think it's a recent trend women wore scarves this way ages ago...

 And the trend went on...

Different scarves shape and size work really well with this style...
Such as large ones looking as if they were capes

long scarves and short, V shaped or wide

Will definitely try on the look...
Peace & Love 
Steffie xox


  1. Thanks Franzi!!glad u liked it!! I was inspired myself ;)btw i love ur style!!

  2. I am so going to try the belted scarf look! Sweet idea.


  3. I know right?!!
    will definitely want to see you trying it out :D


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